Selling A Phone

Get Your Cellphone Certified by Cellular Magician – It’s Free!

Elevate Your Phone’s Value with Our 30Minute Certification

You’ve taken great care of your phone, kept it in pristine
condition with a screen protector and case from day one.
Now, it’s time your diligence pays off.
Introducing Cellular Magician’s Free Appraisal Service.
Why settle for less when selling your phone? Avoid the
frustration of lowball offers and ensure you get the best
value for your device.

Here’s How it Works:

  • Free 30 Minute Appraisal: Drop off your phone at Cellular magician. No appointment necessary.
  • Professional Assessment: Our experts meticulously grade your screen and phone frame, checking every function to ensure your device operates flawlessly.
  • Certification of Authenticity and Quality: Receive a detailed certificate highlighting your phone’s condition and functionality, making it stand out in the marketplace.

Why choose Cellular Magician:

  • Maximize Resale Value: With our certificate, you can confidently command top dollar for your device. It’s not just a phone; it’s a Cellular Magiciancertified device.
  • Informed Decision: Selling for less? That’s now an informed choice you can make on your own. Our certification arms you with the knowledge to negotiate better deals.
  • Trust and Transparency: Our certification is your advantage. It tells buyerseverything works perfectly, making your listing more attractive and credible.

Don’t let your wellmaintained phone go for less than it’s worth. Bring it to Cellular Magician and let us help you unlock its true value. Our certification can make the difference between a quick sale, and a great sale.

Why Cellular Magician: Where Phones Meet their True Potential.

Congratulations, you have just upgraded, and you have done a great job of keeping your phone in top shape. Your phone has been in a screen protector and a case since the first day you purchased it.

So now you want your reward, you want the best value for your phone. You want to list it on a marketplace, but you don’t know what your phone is worth, and as soon as you post, you get bombarded with low ball offers. People are offering you dollars to the real value of your product.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Bring it into Cellular Magician for a free appraisal. We will grade the screen, and the housing (back glass and frame of the phone), and then give you a detailed certificate that highlights everything that works.

With this certificate you are now armed and ready. If you choose to sell your device for lower than its current value, then it’s now your choice to make. If you want top dollar, you are now in a better position to get maximum value because your phone has been appraised by a professional firm.